People’s perception of tarot gradually improves as they leave many myths and misconceptions behind. Still, most consultants come to a tarot reader to find out what the future holds, which is, of course, one of many applications of cartomancy.
However, more than a tool to predict the future, tarot can be a passageway to explore our current issues and potential in a new light. It can bring our attention to latent health problems and help us identify and solve them thoroughly.
Tarot in health: is it an accurate diagnostic tool?
Tarot is not like an MRI scan or a blood test. It doesn’t work that way. These diagnostic tools instantly depict a complex system with ever-changing variables, giving us the current state and nothing more.
Tarot goes beyond that and helps us visualize how the strings move deep inside, and its more likely outcome. It can show a potential health problem that may arise in the future, a tendency dictated by our habits, or a current issue we’re going through.
So, instead of considering tarot readings a diagnostic tool, we can use it to identify red flags and act accordingly. Cards with running water like the star may show a tendency for blood circulation issues. A nine of swords upright can show insomnia problems and other cards around it can give us the reason. When reversed, wand cards suggest bone and joint disease.
However, instead of a diagnosis, a health spread gives us a helpful map to guide us through prevention and may sometimes suggest a medical check.
Tarot in wellness: how can we make life-changing improvements?
Therapeutic readings hold a hidden potential many people do not know about tarot. As with health topics, a wellness reading can explore something that lies deep inside. In this case, inner motivations and the subconscious mind.
Is there anything blocking you emotionally? What can you do to move forward and leave the past behind? These questions can make a big difference in a tarot reading.
You stop living on auto-pilot when you realize what drives you and why. It’s the first step to solving emotional problems, strengthening connections with others, and living life to the fullest. Tarot can help us do that. However, it always requires something of us.
Getting a two of pentacles in a reading may show a tendency to hold everything on your own. You may feel better after learning to relegate work, trust others, and alleviate your burden. As a suggestion, the tower may show it’s now the moment to question your convictions and think out of the box. A page of swords may uncover trust issues and the tendency to be wary of others and their intentions.
Based on this type of reading, you can identify what needs to be done to live a more fulfilling life. This view allows much more than exploring your future. It helps you choose what you prefer and build your own story.
Can you make the shift?
A tiny change in your tarot questions can make a big difference. Instead of only wondering what will happen in the future, why not ask how to improve the outcome?
These questions help you look beyond a simple reading, and it also helps if you have a clear maze with the right size and illustrations. We have many options on this site; not only the usual Rider Waite but other alternative decks as well as oracles, Lenormand cards, and much more.